09 948 6021
Mon - Thur and Sat: 10 am - 6 pm
Fri: 10 am - 8 pm
Sun: 10 am - 1:30 pm

Skin Revitalization

Signaling a new day in skin revitalization

PicoSure’s unique energy delivery is a breakthrough for patients’ seeking a way to improve their skin and reduce signs of aging but who don’t want to deal with the risks, pain and downtime of traditional laser treatments. Using highly targeted energy, PicoSure gently disrupts the particles responsible for a range of pigment conditions like freckles, sunspots and other discoloration.


Before & After 1 Treatment | Courtesy of S. Shin, MD

But there’s more. With the revolutionary Focus lens, PicoSure harnesses the latest breakthroughs in medical science to improve wrinkles, age lines and even acne scars. Unlike other lasers with similar results, PicoSure doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal.

Before & After 2 Focus Treatments | Courtesy of R. Saluja, MD
Instead, PicoSure is designed to activate the body’s natural immune response while minimizing injury and discomfort. Because it uses gentle pressure instead of dangerous, damaging heat there’s no need for a long, painful recovery. In fact, most patients only experience a few hours of mild redness.
With PicoSure, there is no need to sacrifice safety, comfort or convenience for effectiveness. PicoSure does all this on your time.

Courtesy of D. McDaniel, MD

Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.