09 948 6021
Mon - Thur and Sat: 10 am - 6 pm
Fri: 10 am - 8 pm
Sun: 10 am - 1:30 pm

Tattoo Removal

Your body already has what it takes to help you look and feel younger.
Let PicoSure put it to work for you.

Recent discoveries have begun to reveal the secret language of the body and how cells talk to each other to keep us healthy. Known as cell signaling, this biological communication occurs when cells are injured and release proteins, which are then detected by surrounding cells to trigger a healing response.
PicoSure’s PressureWave™ technology uses a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signaling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin.
The Focus Lens Array delivers 20x the energy density of a normal PicoSure pulse to begin activating cell signaling
Intra-epidermal Laser Induced Optical Breakdowns (LIOBs) form and cause pressure waves that propagate into the dermis, triggering pressure injuries to activate cells.
Cell signaling initiates an enhanced inflammatory healing response that leads to increased collagen and elastin and ultimately revitalizes skin.
The result? Brighter, healthier, younger-looking skin—with virtually no downtime. That’s breakthrough.
The Histology of Skin Treated with a Picosecond Alexandrite Laser and a Fractional Lens Array. Tanghetti, E.
Lasers Surg Med. Published online June 1, 2016